Thursday, October 24, 2013

Updated Webpage

If you have not noticed, the webpage has changed. We recently added some features to the page. First off there is now a Volunteer Tutoring page where you can sign up to be a tutor or find people willing to tutor for various courses. Second, there is new information under the links page to include links to Ohio unemployment, the Ohio Veterans Bonus site, and Show Your Stripes for job searches to name a few. Lastly we added a pictures page so you can see the different things we do. Plans for the future is another page for for signing up for volunteer and fundraising events and possible RSVP for events that require a head count via the website.

This is in an effort to centralize all information into one place. The calendar is up to date through November, but is always being updated. If you have any ideas, please email them to us here, and please put "webpage ideas" in the subject line.